Monday, November 7, 2011

Demi Lovato Covers Latina Magazine!

Demi Lovato takes the December 2011 cover of Latina magazine.

On her father: “Sometimes there are people in your life that you have to cut out. It sucks when it’s your own father. But I know what’s best for me. At a young age, I had to learn that. I have an old soul, because I had to grow up fast – because of the public eye and because of my life experiences.”

On being Latina: “Latina culture means warm family gatherings, special stories and a bond that I love to experience. I feel so much love and comfort when I’m with [the Latino] side of my family. It makes me proud of my culture and my ethnicity

On the Grammy's: “In 2012, I really want to be at the Grammys. And I don’t want to go unless I’m nominated, presenting or performing. It’s my lifetime goal to be able to say I’m nominated. So I really want to make that happen.